Search Results for: BID

A demographic timebomb: Ominous economic trends were around long before COVID-19

After the 2007-09 financial crisis, the imbalances and risks pervading the global economy were exacerbated by policy mistakes. So, rather than address the structural problems that the financial collapse and ensuing recession revealed, governments mostly kicked the can down the road, creating major downside risks that made another crisis inevitable. And now that it has arrived, the risks are growing even more acute. Unfortunately, even if the Greater Recession leads to a lackluster U-shaped recovery this year, an L-shaped “Greater Depression” will follow later in this decade, owing to 10 ominous and risky trends. The first trend concerns deficits...

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White Society must condemn White Racism: Ahmaud Arbery is dead because he was a black man

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) arrested Gregory McMichael, age 64, and Travis McMichael, age 34, for the death of Ahmaud Arbery on May 7. They were both charged with murder and aggravated assault. Ahmaud Arbery is dead because he was a black man. He was hunted down by two white strangers in broad daylight because he was two things: he was black and running, which was enough reason for them to grab weapons and get in their truck and chase him down and assassinate him in the road. Being black and running was Ahmaud’s crime. To some white...

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Law and Disorder: Non-Violent Civil Rights Campaigns “Then” vs. Armed Protestors “Now”

“I think this is the most ridiculous thing that has ever happened. The nigras are just as free as we are, they have the same opportunity to work and build their part of the town up the same as we have. I just don’t understand it and don’t approve of it. I’m gonna stand up for my rights.” “Well I think if they remain peaceful it would be a lot better than perhaps the violence.” “I don’t think it’s the time right now, I think they have equal rights though.” “I don’t like it, I think it’s tryin to...

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Shopping during Pandemic: Customers at Pete’s Fruit Market get surprise gift of free groceries

Tonit Calaway and Judge David Swanson, along with Major League Baseball Commissioner Emeritus Allan H. “Bud” Selig, came together with Pete’s Fruit Market on April 23 to surprise customers with free groceries. The generous donation of $20,000 by the three individuals provided families that shop at Pete’s Fruit Market on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive with groceries and other necessities to help them during the harsh social and economic conditions brought on by the coronavirus and social distancing measures. “There is so much uncertainty and anxiety in the community right now as families try to job loss, bills,...

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Saving Lives: Evers Administration asks court to toss lawsuit that seeks to block “Safer at Home” order

Governor Tony Evers announced on April 28 that the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and Wisconsin Department of Justice filed a response to the Legislative Republicans’ lawsuit that endangers lives by blocking Safer at Home. The Evers Administration has asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to toss the lawsuit. Wisconsin’s pandemic laws give DHS broad powers to “close schools and forbid public gatherings” and “issue orders for guarding against the introduction of any communicable disease” and “authorize and implement all emergency measures necessary to control communicable disease.” “Safer at Home is working. It is saving lives,” said Governor Evers....

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Milwaukee Police Department to begin enforcement of “Safer at Home” ordinance

The Common Council passed an ordinance on April 21 to allow Milwaukee Police and the Health Department to issue a citation up to $500, in rare instances where individuals were deliberately violating the Safer at Home order that has been place in the city to help prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Effective May 2, 2020, the Milwaukee City Ordinance “Violation or Obstruction of Orders” citation can be issued. The citation does not replace the option to arrest and pursue criminal charges under state statute. “Quite simply, this action does not affect the range of options and discretion for...

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