Search Results for: BID

Low-paid Wisconsin workers left behind as border states increase wages

Low-paid workers across the country got a raise this month, as 18 states and 20 cities and counties increased their minimum wages, many of them of rates to $12 to $15 an hour. Once the increases are fully phased in, 15 million workers will see long overdue raises. In contrast, Wisconsin’s minimum wage remains at $7.25, the same as the federal minimum wage. It was last raised in 2009 and has lost about 15% of its purchasing power since then. State lawmakers have barred local governments in Wisconsin from setting their own minimum wages that are higher than the...

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Timeline: A brief history of Trump’s Racism

Photo by Gage Skidmore and licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 For Milwaukee, a city with the dubious title of being the most segregated community in the nation, what the leader of America says about racial issues has a direct local impact. Critics of Trump point to numerous examples of his racist behavior. Defenders of him share talking points that his meaning was taken out of context. However, as David Leonhardt points out in his New York Times opinion: No one except Trump can know what Trump’s private thoughts or motivations are. But the public record and his behavior are...

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Wauwatosa 4th graders asked to give three good reasons for slavery

The issue of racism in education was at the center of a minor social media storm on January 9, touched off after a parent posted a photo of her son’s homework assignment. Neither the school nor the teacher were available for comment. On the topic of slavery, the assignment given to 4th graders at Our Redeemer Lutheran School in Wauwatosa asked students to “Give 3 ‘good’ reasons for slaver and 3 bad reason… for presenting an argument.” “Does anyone else find my 4th grader’s homework offensive?” asked Trameka Brown-Berry in her Facebook post. Her son’s answer to the class...

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A pathway to citizenship for Immigrants would boost Wisconsin’s Farm Economy

Wisconsin’s dairies and other businesses could gain access to additional, needed workers if Congress passes the Dream Act and allows immigrant youth to stay in the country and improve their job skills. Wisconsin’s farms, particularly dairy farms, depend heavily on immigrant labor to function. Offering young immigrants a secure future would allow those workers to advance their education and develop the skills that employers – such as dairy farms – are looking for. Half of all workers on dairy farms are immigrants, according to a report by the National Milk Producers Federation. According to the report: A complete loss...

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Tax bill figures reveal a growing economic divide in Wisconsin

Numerous analyses of the distribution of the tax shifts have been completed, and they consistently show that the final tax bill will cause a huge shift in wealth to the richest Americans. When we released an analysis a couple of months ago of the proposed tax bill, Speaker Ryan claimed that the Wisconsin Budget Project and others who pointed out the extremely slanted nature of the tax package were engaging in “class warfare.” That’s an ironic charge from a lawmaker who has been leading the way for changes in taxes and spending that will substantially increase the wide gulf...

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