The Milwaukee Independent spent a full day on locations with the crew of Around the Corner with John McGivern, while filming a season six episode featuring the community of Whitefish Bay. McGivern and crew visited businesses and interviewed community members that were part of the town’s social fabric.
This photo essay features moments from the production process, offering a rare look at what it takes to make an award winning television program.
Day 3, Thursday, June 9, 10:00 – 10:30AM
Stand-up 1
Season tease, Promos, and This week’s McGivernism
Day 3, Thursday, June 9, 10:45 – 11:15AM
Interview 1
Julie Siegel, Village President
Day 3, Thursday, June 9, 11:15 – 11:30AM
Open and Close – Location 2
Season tease, Promos, and This week’s McGivernism
Day 3, Thursday, June 9, 11:30AM – 12:30PM
Interview 2
Katie and Jeff Commer and Family, Livy, Ben 17 yrs and Bella the dog
Day 3, Thursday, June 9, 12:45 – 1:45PM
Interview 3
Alamelu Vairavan & K Viravan, PhD
Alamelu Vairavan’s passion for healthful cooking and eating has led to her appearances in numerous national and regional TV shows including appearances on PBS, Discovery Channel, Fox, NBC and CBS programs. Her most memorable guest appearance was on her first TV show in 1997 – Discovery Channel’s Home Matters that also featured America’s revered chef, the great Julia Child.
Day 3, Thursday, June 9, 3:00 – 3:15PM
Stand-up 2
Fitzgerald Pharmacy, an independent pharmacy that opened 1954
Day 3, Thursday, June 9, 3:30 – 4:45PM
Interview 4
Brian Henry, owner/manager Fox Bay Cinema Grill
Day 3, Thursday, June 9, 5:00 – 5:15PM
Additional segment location
Butterfly Garden at Klode Park
Day 3, Thursday, June 9, 5:15 – 6:00PM
Interview 5
Sports with Mike McGivern at Cahill Baseball Diamond
FULL COVERAGE: Read the article, view the photo essay, and use the interactive map with videos that was produced as companion features for this exclusive news report.