MKE United’s online survey to support effort for creating a shared, inclusive vision for Greater Downtown Milwaukee.
MKE United launched a public survey designed to inform the creation of a Greater Downtown Action Agenda. The survey is designed to provide a way for all Milwaukee residents to share their priorities, ideas, and perceptions regarding key issues affecting the neighborhoods immediately adjacent to and including downtown Milwaukee, referred to as the “Greater Downtown.”
The MKE United Greater Downtown Action Agenda (MKE United) is a comprehensive planning process that will create a shared and inclusive vision for Greater Downtown supported by a strategic Action Agenda that will make that vision a reality.
“The Action Agenda is meant to be the voice of Milwaukee,” said Alex Molinaroli, CEO of Johnson Controls. “We want the MKE United vision and strategies to be an accurate reflection of the goals of all who live, work and play in Greater Downtown Milwaukee, this survey will help us get there.”
A critical component of the MKE United effort is its focus on civic engagement. The launch of the online survey complements earlier outreach efforts, including four workshops and numerous community events. The survey will provide an opportunity for the MKE United planning team to check and adjust initial priorities and issues identified through these civic engagement activities to ensure all Milwaukeeans have an opportunity to make their voices heard.
The goal of the effort is to execute a civic engagement process that:
- Builds trust
- Generates enthusiasm
- Works across neighborhood boundaries
- Makes information accessible and transparent
- Creates new cross-sector constituencies and partnerships
- Establishes a shared plan of action and accountability
All interested individuals are encouraged to participate in the survey found online at: Greater Downtown Action Agenda
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Lee Matz