Author: Darryl Morin

Darryl Morin: The Presidential debate, an act of hate, and my four minutes with Joe Biden

Like many Americans, I watched the Presidential Debate both shocked and saddened as I heard from both candidates. For the first time in history, a current and former president were on the stage tasked with defining and debating their policy positions, defending their respective records, and sharing their visions for the future of our country. I watched Joe Biden struggle to focus and express his positions. I saw and heard Donald Trump making false claims after false claims. While Biden appeared not to have the ability to clearly articulate his thoughts, it was clear Trump did, and that his...

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A Day at Biden’s White House: The invite, representation, and ongoing progress of Building A Better Wisconsin

As National President of Forward Latino headquartered in Franklin, Wisconsin, I received an invitation to attend an event at the White House. The day was called “Communities in Action: Building A Better Wisconsin.” The invitation stated that the day would include remarks and discussions with Senior Biden-Harris Administration officials on pressing issues in Wisconsin. The only request beyond that of our attendance was to be prepared to share priorities in our community and comments on how the policies put and place and legislation signed into law by this president have impacted Wisconsin. Upon arriving at the White House security...

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Darryl Morin: Where family and freedom converged at the crossroads of a trip to Crystal City

Today there are those who argue we should forego the honest teaching of our nation’s history as it may prove too traumatic to the descendants of those responsible. There are also attempts to justify more recent attacks on the freedoms and the families of those who may look or sound different. During my travels across South Texas, I found a point at which both efforts intersected. While visiting my family in the small town of Crystal City, Texas, I spent time at a location I just learned existed. In the 1960s Crystal City was known as for its Civil...

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Darryl Morin: The vote against investigating January 6 brings an end to patriotism and principle

At 12:45 p.m. on January 6, 2021, Chief Steven Sund of the U.S. Capitol Police called the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, DC, pleading for immediate support as the angry mob attending the “Stop The Steal” event descended on the U.S. Capitol. For the next 7 hours and 15 minutes, the United States Capitol would be under siege, not by a foreign power, but by members and supporters of the “Grand Old Party.” 142 days later, members of the same party cast the final votes that ensured there would never be a bipartisan commission to investigate the deadly insurrection...

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Darryl Morin: Trump’s Hispanophobia is a manifestation of our nation’s Epidemic of Hate

“How about we treat every young man who wants to buy a gun like every woman who wants an abortion: mandatory 48-hour waiting period, parental permission, a note from his doctor proving he understands what he is about to do, a video he has to watch about the effects of gun violence. Then, we should close down all but one gun shop in every state and make him travel hundreds of miles, take time off work, and stay overnight in a strange town to get a gun. Make him walk through a gauntlet of people holding photos of loved...

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Darryl Morin: Why I left the Party that abandoned the principles of Lincoln

As a proud American of Hispanic descent, for years I have faced criticism by many, applause from a few, and held at arm’s length by yet others as my party affiliation was Republican. While I have always believed in the need to make sure our men and women of the United States Armed Forces are the best trained and best equipped in the world, in the benefits of a free market system that operates within guidelines, in the need for fiscal responsibility, individual responsibility and religious freedom, it now has become apparent that none of these are the priority...

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