Workers and shoppers have a new option for traveling to the recently-opened IKEA store in Oak Creek, riding on the bus.
Starting June 3, the Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) PurpleLine (27th Street) will begin seven day a week service to IKEA, with an extension to Drexel Avenue and Ikea Way. The new service to IKEA was part of the 2018 Milwaukee County Budget that was approved by County Executive Chris Abele and the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors.
“Providing transit service to IKEA opens up access to jobs and shopping opportunities across the county,” said County Executive Abele. “Bus service is all about connecting our residents with the great things Milwaukee County has to offer, so this is an exciting addition for MCTS.”
The new service to IKEA is one of numerous transit service improvements going into effect on June 3 as part of the changes MCTS makes four times a year. Other changes include: New routing for the Route 30/30X and Route 15 through Downtown Milwaukee to improve access and avoid service duplication with the Milwaukee Streetcar, added service to the Route 28 (108th Street) and Route 51 (Oklahoma Avenue), and elimination of the rarely used daytime shuttle service on Mooreland Road (Route 6).
Residents can receive route updates and alerts to via the RideMCTS.com website and by downloading the iPhone or Android mobile app.