Search Results for: BID

Politics of memes: Why President Biden has used online visuals to push back against Trump’s lies

Whether it is a grinning President Joe Biden as “Dark Brandon” or Donald Trump’s face superimposed onto a scene from HBO’s “Game of Thrones,” both presidential campaigns this year have embraced digital memes, the lingua franca of social media. The campaigns of the current Democratic president – and the criminally convicted ex-president, adjudicated rapist, and a documented pathological liar – enthusiastically create and share content trying to shape the narratives around both men. President Biden’s campaign even recently posted a job seeking a manager of meme pages. With tens of millions of people using social media as a primary...

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Darryl Morin: The Presidential debate, an act of hate, and my four minutes with Joe Biden

Like many Americans, I watched the Presidential Debate both shocked and saddened as I heard from both candidates. For the first time in history, a current and former president were on the stage tasked with defining and debating their policy positions, defending their respective records, and sharing their visions for the future of our country. I watched Joe Biden struggle to focus and express his positions. I saw and heard Donald Trump making false claims after false claims. While Biden appeared not to have the ability to clearly articulate his thoughts, it was clear Trump did, and that his...

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Democrats stick with President Biden as he concedes debate fumbles but vows to defend democracy

President Joe Biden worked forcefully on June 28 to quell Democratic anxieties over his unsteady showing in his debate with the criminally convicted ex-president Donald Trump, as elected members of his party closed ranks around him in an effort to shut down talk of replacing him atop the ticket. President Biden’s halting delivery and meandering comments, particularly early in the debate, fueled concerns from even members of his own party that at age 81 he’s not up for the task of leading the country for another four years. “I know I’m not a young man … I don’t speak...

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Debating a liar: Why pundits fixate on President Biden’s performance over Trump’s political gaslighting

June 27 was the first debate between President Joe Biden and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and by far the most striking thing about the debate was the overwhelming focus among pundits immediately afterward on President Biden’s appearance and soft, hoarse voice as he rattled off statistics and events. Virtually unmentioned was the fact that Trump lied and rambled incoherently, ignored questions to say whatever he wanted; refused to acknowledge the events of January 6, 2021; and refused to commit to accepting the result of the 2024 presidential election, finally saying he would accept it only if it...

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High stakes: Why the first Biden-Trump televised 2024 debate is crucial for both candidates and for CNN too

President Joe Biden and convicted felon Donald Trump will not be alone at the June 27 debate. Moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper of CNN will be on camera, too, and there is a lot on the line for their network as it fights for relevance in a changing media environment. CNN has hosted dozens of town halls and political forums through the years, but never a general election presidential debate, let alone one so early in a campaign. No network has. “This is a huge moment for CNN,” said former CNN Washington bureau chief Frank Sesno, now a...

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Why Trump gives the Saudi and Putin incentives to sabotage President Biden’s re-election hopes

The bloodthirsty leader of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia loves his dictatorial soul-mate Donald Trump and is today setting the stage to intervene in November’s election in a big way, much like he did with a smaller test run during the fall of 2022 when he drove US gas prices up above $5, forcing President Biden to release oil from the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve. As Stanley Reed reported for the Business pages of The New York Times recently: “Saudi Arabia, the de facto leader of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, said that it would extend [their one-million-barrels-a-day] cuts in oil...

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