Bublr Bikes, Milwaukee’s bike share system, is offering FREE rides for anyone who rides a Bublr Bike on Election Day, April 5th.
“Bublr Bikes is a fast and simple way to get around town,” Kevin Hardman, Bublr Bikes executive director, said. “We are offering FREE Bublr rides all day to make it even easier to exercise your right to vote.”
To redeem the FREE Bublr Bikes ride, users enter in code “1848”, the year of Wisconsin’s founding, at any Bublr Bikes station. The code is valid for a FREE 30-minute Bublr Bikes ride all day. A ride ends when the Bublr is returned to a Bublr Bikes station. Rides over 30 minutes will cost $3/each additional 30 minutes. A credit card is required to check out a Bublr Bike.
Eight of Bublr Bikes 28 stations are located within two blocks of a polling location. Other polling locations are conveniently served by other Bublr Bikes stations.
Polling Location
Zeidler Municipal Building
Milwaukee Central Library
UWM Sandburg Hall
UWM Cambridge Commons
Charles Allis Art Museum
Hillside Family Resource Center
Convent Hill Apartments
Arlington Court Apartments
Bublr Station
Red Arrow Park
Central Library
Sandburg Hall
Hillside Terrace
A complete list of Bublr Bikes stations can be found at https://bublrbikes.bcycle.com/station-locations.
Since Summer 2014, Bublr Bikes, a Milwaukee-based nonprofit, has launched 28 bike share stations. In 2016, Bublr Bikes plans to grow the network to over 60 stations. In the coming years, the system plans to expand to over 100 stations and 1,000 Bublr Bikes in Milwaukee, Shorewood, Wauwatosa and West Allis. Bublr Bikes is actively raising private and public funds for continued network expansion.