Author: Thom Hartmann

Manipulated Masses: How to defend our democracy now that hate is the primary political weapon

Following the January 6th insurrection and coup attempt, news organizations have documented hundreds of thousands of Republicans across America leaving their party by going to the effort of changing their party registration. Most, like Republican strategist Stuart Stevens, say it is because of the hate. Particularly since the rise of Trump in 2015, but certainly dating back to Trump’s 2008 Birther conspiracy theory — and with the seeds planted in Richard Nixon’s 1968 Southern Strategy — hate has become the rotted core of the GOP. Hate of queer people; hate of college professors; hate of Black people; hate of immigrants; hate...

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Trafficking in disposable children: Why indifference continues over Trump policy that tortured families

As MAGA Republicans rudely interrupted the president’s State of the Union speech by shouting, “secure the border,” it is important to remember what happened when Republicans were in charge of securing the border. Their “big new idea” was to forcibly separate children from their parents and put bewildered and terrified youngsters in cages for the world to see. And then they trafficked and disposed of those children, as if dumping the trash, in a way that “lost” thousands of them. Last week the Biden administration announced that, so far, they’ve managed to reunite 2,926 of the 3,924 children brutally torn from...

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How deadly disasters sweeping Red states are a result of the alliance between Republicans and oil barons

Republicans have been lying to their voters in the Midwest and South for decades, and now those the same voters are dying as a result of unprecedented severe weather that ties directly back to those lies. This is a climate change story that fossil fuel billionaires and their GOP lackeys would rather you did not know. As more and more people are killed by extraordinarily severe weather in places where it used to be unusual it is going to get harder and harder to keep Red State citizens from finding out how badly they have been screwed by the...

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Why the cost of supporting Trump’s MAGA vision comes at the price of dead school children

Now that Donald Trump has been indicted, expect to see the fascist movement in America heat up quickly. And become more deadly. That it is happening at the same time our children are experiencing an unprecedented level of slaughter is no coincidence, and helps explain Republican unwillingness to do anything about guns. Many Americans are baffled. Why, they ask, would Republicans refuse to act when semiautomatic weapons designed for the battlefield are used against our children? When we’ve had 38 school shootings — and over 100 mass shootings — all using semiautomatic battlefield-style weapons in the first 90 days...

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Why the law binds average working people with accountability but not politicians or the super rich

Trump and the GOP are trying to provoke a revolution of their own design, although it is not to hold the rich and powerful accountable. It is the opposite, albeit in costume. Sandra Bland gets pulled over for a broken taillight and dies in jail; Trump steals an election by paying off a porn star, then tries to steal a second by launching a violent insurrection, and still walks free while making a million dollars a day fundraising. “Accountability for thee,” is the GOP motto, “but not for me.” The law must bind average working people with accountability, but...

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Putin’s sales pitch: Why GOP members of Congress are suddenly outspoken against aid to Ukraine

Make no mistake. There is a battle right now between autocracy and democracy around the world. Countries are lining up on either side. And that is really what is going on, at this stage, with Ukraine. This is literally a battle for the 21st century order. For the way the people of the world, the entire planet and all its resources, will ultimately be run and used. It could determine whether our world will be ruled by a small number of morbidly rich autocrats and their factotums, or whether it will be ruled by the people themselves through politicians...

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