“Supporting MPS students by helping them have the supplies they need while at school is just one way we are activating the community to hope make Milwaukee a better place. 88Nine is committed to supporting our community. Whether that be supporting the local music scene or education efforts. Our mission is to be a catalyst in creating a better more inclusive and engaged Milwaukee.” – Ken Sumka, Assistant Program Director at 88Nine.
Members of New Age Narcissism, solo artists Lex Allen, WebsterX, Siren, Q then Sun, Lorde Fred33, and Bo Triplex partnered with 88Nine Radio Milwaukee for the station’s second annual “No Empty Backpacks” school supplies drive by performing a 414 Live concert on August 17.
“Giving people something positive to support is needed now more than ever,” said Sarah Fierek, Director of Underwriting Partnerships at 88Nine. “It’s amazing what we can do when we work together, like providing a child with the needed resources and tools help them to succeed in the classroom. The experience can have a big impact on their life.”
The “No Empty Backpacks School Supplies Drive” has been supported by Milwaukee Business Journal and many of the 40 Under 40 alumni, along with the incredibly generous listeners of 88Nine Radio Milwaukee. This year the effort has 30 bins, with assistance from Titan Packaging, distributed in the community at public places and private locations doing workplace drives. The final collection date of donations will be August 27 and supply list for students, from pre-school to middle school, can be found online.