Author: Editor

Sheila Teruty: A passion for vintage fashion

Deeply involved in the local arts community, Sheila Teruty is known for her eclectic interests in apparel. As a photographer and independent business owner, she is riding the ebbs and flows of Milwaukee’s fashion culture as it strives to find an identity. | Q&A with Sheila Teruty Milwaukee Independent: What are some of the most common challenges you face as a self-employed creative artist? Sheila Teruty: Common challenges I struggle with are the uncertainty of when and where your income is coming from. I usually like to have a side gig to supplement my creative incomes and that can be...

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Celebration and renewed call for action now on MLK’s Birthday

The 32nd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration, coordinated by the MLK Steering Committee, was held on Sunday, January 17, 2016 at the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts. The program was hosted in Uihlein Hall and highlighted Milwaukee youth who interpreted Dr. King’s works through arts, speech, and writing. The only cities that have celebrated Dr. King’s Birthday annually since 1984 are Atlanta, Georgia and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The theme of this year’s program was “We Must Act Now.” “The reason I’m filled with hope is because I can go to any neighborhood in this city and...

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Photo Essay: We Must Act Now

The 32nd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration highlighted Milwaukee youth who interpreted Dr. King’s works through arts, speech, and writing.

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