Author: Pardeep Kaleka

The Survivors of Sandy Hook, Denial, and the Ache of Remembrance

December 14 marks the five-year remembrance of the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, which took the lives of 20 children and 6 adults, marking the unimaginable turning into a very dark reality. Like most, I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news. I was teaching class that morning when a colleague came into my classroom to inform me of the ongoing coverage. A gunman had walked into an Elementary school in Connecticut and was murdеring children. The news immediately triggered things locked away inside me. In an instant I was reliving the mass-murder that took...

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Las Vegas shows we learn nothing except how to rationalize massacres

On October 2, Milwaukee and the country woke to the nauseating feelings behind yet another act of dоmеstіc tеrrоrism, with the headlines reading “Las Vegas attack is the deadliest mass shooting in American history.” At 10:08 pm Las Vegas local time the night before, the Route 91 Harvest Festival erupted in gunfire. A consistent onslaught of rifle-fire riddled the crowd, as people were trampled attempting to avoid the assault. Reports continue to change because the situation is still developing, but latest information has 59 dеаd and 527 hurt. Consistent to the modus operandi of other mass shootings in recent...

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The “Good Guy With a Gun” Myth routinely costs lives

All across the United States, school boards are having discussions and preparing teachers to be armed with a handgun at schools. More than a thousand educators from 12 states have already taken part in a 3-day firearms training course in Ohio. Some of the funding was provided by pro-gun organizations, and yet other support came in by donations received after the Sandy Hook. That tragedy took the lives of 20 children and 6 staff members on December 14, 2012 by shooter Adam Lanza. The rationale for arming educators is the same rationale that we have heard over and over...

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Pardeep Kaleka: A son remembers the day his father was slain for his faith

This past weekend marked the 5-year remembrance of one of the worst race-based, religious-based, ethnic-based hаte crіmеs committed on American soil. The shооter was an affiliated white supremacist, ex-military operative named Wade Page. In his wake of tеrrоr, he left six dеаd, one critically injured, and three others hurt, before he turned the gun to himself to take his own life. One of the victims of his rampage was my father, and Temple President, Satwant Singh Kaleka. The entirety of the murdеr-suicide lasted only 6 minutes, but the impact is still being felt 5 years later by an entire...

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Pardeep Kaleka: Quit Pretending that we live in a Civil Society

Residents of Milwaukee have both a local and national identity, as citizens of Wisconsin and America. Headlines from across the country report terrible things that do not reflect the local community, yet the city faces its own complexity of issues. For so many national issues it is easy to turn a blind eye because they do not have a local footprint. But much of the national dialogue shapes actions and discussions in our neighborhoods across the County. The United States has long advertised itself as the world’s beacon for a civil society. The truth may be that it has...

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Students forge transformative friendships at Serve2Unite’s Peacemakers Forum

“Our internet world of cyberbullying, trolls, and tweets was forged in 1998. We have created, to borrow a term from historian Nicolaus Mills, a “culture of humiliation” in which those who prey on the vulnerable in the service of clicks and ratings are handsomely rewarded.” – Monica Lewinsky May was been dubbed Violence Prevention Month in the City of Milwaukee. The resolution was inspired in memory of 10-year old Sierra Guyton, who was shot and killed while on a playground in 2016. The past year has also marked the brutal intensification of the Civil War in Syria, political instability...

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