Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs co-hosted Mayor Tom Barrett’s 2019 “Walk 100 Miles in 100 Days Challenge” in Bronzeville on August 9, leading area residents through the heart of the historic African American community.
The Walk 100 challenge is a series of annual city-wide activities designed to encourage people to stay active by walking a mile a day over the summer months. It is also an opportunity for the public to walk with Mayor Barrett, explore local areas, and connect with other members of the community. Mayor Barrett started the challenge in 2013 because he believed that when residents walk alongside each other in their neighborhoods, relationships could be formed that make the city stronger.
The Bronzeville walk coincided with Bronzeville Week, an official City of Milwaukee event that celebrates the area’s rich African American legacy of culture, arts, history, and entertainment. This year’s route began at Pete’s Fruit Market on North Avenue, followed MLK Drive north to Center Street, and then returned for a healthy fruit juice demonstration at Pete’s. The family-owned grocery store, located in the heart of the Historic King Drive Business Improvement District, offers fresh food to Bronzeville and the surrounding community.
Throughout the summer, Walk 100 partners with community organizations, elected officials, and residents to host walks in all corners of the city. Program participants will have a chance to win various prizes by hitting certain benchmarks over the course of the 100 days. All participants who complete the 100 mile goal at the end of the 100th day will be eligible for the program’s prize drawing in September.
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- Photo Essay: Healthy living celebrated at last Mayor’s Walk 100 of 2017
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- Walk 100 Miles in 100 Days Challenge 2017 to encourage active living
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- Mayor Tom Barrett kicks-off 2016 walking initiative