Author: Thom Hartmann

Countdown to Chaos: Understanding the active movement within America trying to start a Civil War

Congressman Adam Kinzinger is worried about a second American civil war. “I don’t think that’s too far of a bridge to recognize,” he said, adding, “It’s going to be armed groups against armed groups, targeted assassination and violence.” There is an active movement within the United States trying to start a civil war. They are armed and serious, having already tried to kidnap and murder the Governor of Michigan and the Vice President of the United States. You may not recall names like Pat Crusius, Anders Breivik or James Fields, but members of a dozen different White supremacist groups in...

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A Party built on Fascism: When 63 Republicans take Putin’s side of the war and vote against NATO

The Republican Party is committed to tearing America apart by pitting us against each other. Why would they do this? Here is a clue: 63 Republicans voted this week against a resolution in support of NATO. Yes, they voted for Putin’s side of the war. Seriously. Although it has been largely ignored by American TV media, you can read all about it over at The Washington Post in an article by Aaron Blake titled: Why 30 percent of the House GOP voted against reaffirming NATO support. Their unflinching support of Putin comes shortly after Koch Industries announced they would be...

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When the core beliefs of the “Culture Wars” produce more suffering for people living in Red States

According to a popular meme, comedian Noel Casler asked, “How come everything the Republican Party stands for involves other people dying?” He then went on to note GOP support for assault weapons, opposition to masks and vaccines, opposition to saving the environment, and their all-out war on Obamacare and Medicare-for-All. Casler may have just been being glib, doing the written equivalent of a standup routine, but his question deserves a serious answer, so we should examine the evidence. It is undeniably true that Republican-controlled “Red” states, almost across the board, have higher rates of: spousal abuse, obesity, smoking, teen pregnancy, sexually...

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Patriotic Propaganda: Staying silent as a choice when what is seen does not match with what is believed

I have repeatedly heard American TV commentators wonder out loud how it is that average Russians do not believe the horrors their government has inflicted on Ukraine and its people. The most common story is of Ukrainian refugees or people under bombardment who have tried to tell friends or relatives back in Russia what is going on and gotten a disbelieving response. “How could average Russians be so stupid?” seems to be the main line of inquiry. Another line of questioning wonders out loud if Putin’s lock on Russian TV and radio is so complete that, like the old Soviet...

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A doom loop for democracy: When the United States gets taken down by the greed of our own oligarchs

It is important now, in light of both world events and the way the Republican party has been captured by a small group of rightwing billionaires and White Supremacists, to introduce Americans to an 18th century word that is new to most people alive today, at least in the context of partisan politics. That word is: faction. The crises caused by faction were a big deal at the founding of our republic. Faction was a matter of conversation among average people. It was the same when the South was seized by an oligarchic faction of plantation owners and turned...

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Beyond an ethics scandal: Why Justice Thomas should resign and his wife be prosecuted over January 6 role

“During the 2000 presidential election, Clarence Thomas cast the deciding vote in Bush v. Gore, a Supreme Court case that settled a recount dispute in Florida between former vice president Al Gore and George W. Bush, who later became president. At the time of that decision, Ginni Thomas had been working for the right-wing Heritage Foundation, which was helping staff the Bush’ then-prospective administration.” – Jon Skolnik In 1969, Richard Nixon and congressional Republicans took down the Supreme Court’s most liberal member, Abe Fortas, threatening to send his wife to prison. There is a lesson here for today’s Democrats...

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