Author: Thom Hartmann

The conservative model: When a perfect storm of fanatics strives to build a nation of uneducated serfs

Republican politicians and the rightwing billionaires who fund them want a nation of uneducated, compliant serfs in their workforce, not a nation of well-educated union-conscious people who are willing to strike to get better pay and benefits. Which means Job One is to get America’s kids out of the clutches of those evil unionized teachers. Education, after all, is a liberal value. The conservative vision is “quality education for the children of the wealthy, while ending child labor laws for all the rest.” And they are getting their way. Florida and Arizona are well on the way to destroying...

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Overturning Roe v. Wade: How newborn babies became latest victims in Republican’s ongoing War On Women

Newborn babies are the latest victims in the ongoing War On Women™ by Republicans. The most recent deadly aspect of the crisis started with Donald Trump proudly putting three anti-abortion Catholics on the Supreme Court, promising America that they would overturn Roe v Wade. He sure delivered on that, it was probably the only promise he kept in his entire life. Multiple pregnant Red state women have, over the past year or so, told harrowing stories about almost dying before doctors were willing to give them healthcare for fear of going to prison because of draconian state abortion bans....

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Only one true God: How religious schools use taxpayer dollars to promote their extremist ideology

Twenty-eight states, nearly all Republican-controlled, are now spending billions of taxpayer dollars to support indoctrinating children in religion through voucher programs that can be used for mostly Christian schools. Five Republican-controlled states are in the process of letting vouchers ghettoize their entire public-school systems. As The Washington Post noted: “Billions in taxpayer dollars are being used to pay tuition at religious schools throughout the country, as state voucher programs expand dramatically and the line separating public education and religion fades.” Meanwhile, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, flies an “Appeal to Heaven” flag outside his official...

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Lifeblood of Democracy: How right-wing parasites drained the health of America’s news media

The fifteen or twenty percent of Americans who follow actual news reporting are dumbfounded. How did America reach this point where about half our country thinks up is down, black is white, and Republicans are best trusted with our money and national security? Only about half of Americans know that Trump set up and wanted the end of Roe v Wade while one-in-five think President Biden is responsible for it. More trust Republicans with the economy than Democrats and 46% say Trump can fix the economy compared to 32% for Biden. Only a third of Americans know that Republicans...

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Just reporting news: Why America’s mainstream media has failed to defend democracy against Trump

Donald Trump and many of his supporters have explicitly promised to overturn American democracy, using Viktor Orbán’s “illiberal democracy” Hungarian model where the press is controlled, political opposition sidelined or imprisoned, and oligarchs run the government as their model. But you rarely hear that from our media. Back on May 5, Semafor’s Ben Smith interviewed New York Times Editor Joe Kahn, who echoed a perspective that seems widespread across America’s mainstream media newsrooms: that their job is to report what they consider “news,” but not to defend democracy itself. His exact quote was: “One of the absolute necessities of...

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Middle-Class Nightmares: How the GOP used Trump to turn the idea of hope into a Billionaire’s Fantasy

Donald Trump and JD Vance, like most politicians from both parties, love to invoke the American Dream. When billionaire Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency in 2015, he said: “Sadly, the American Dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before and we will make America great again.” When multimillionaire hedge fund manager JD Vance accepted his nomination for vice president at the RNC, he similarly said: “Some people tell me I’ve lived the American dream, and of course they’re right. And I’m so grateful...

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