Author: Thom Hartmann

Political scientists have tried for three generations to figure out why Republicans detest public schools

For three generations political scientists have tried to figure out exactly why Republicans have been so dead set against public schools. One theory is that, like Donald Trump famously said, they “love the poorly educated.” Uninformed – or mal-informed: there is a difference between “poorly educated” and “less educated,” people are easier to manipulate than those who are well-educated. Another theory is that the billionaires who took over the GOP in the 1980s simply hate the idea of paying taxes to support the education of the kids of people who fail to get rich on their own by “pulling themselves...

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Male Supremacy: What will men do when religious autocrats come for the women in their lives?

A Texas woman with an ectopic pregnancy, a life-threatening condition that never produces a baby, was recently forced to wait until it ruptured inside her, putting her life in danger. Imagine if that was you or someone you loved. Republican laws are now making doctors wait until women are nearly dead before they can provide life-saving medical treatment for lethal conditions like that ectopic pregnancy and incomplete miscarriages. This is insane. What would you do if that was your daughter, wife, mother, or sister who was forced to bleed out for ten long days so a Republican politician could...

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Racist Backlash: Why the election of a Black president was a threat to 200 years of legal White Nationalism

America today is in the midst of our second attempt at creating a truly pluralistic, multiracial democracy. The GOP is doing everything they can to sabotage the effort: can we pull it off despite their treachery? “A Southern Poverty Law Center poll from April found nearly 70 percent of Republican voters believe in the Great Replacement Theory, and the Cato Institute finds that more than 7 in 10 Trump supporters think that “discrimination against Whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against Blacks and other minorities.” The GOP has led on the White racist CRT-social panic, with...

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2nd Amendment Scam: America is under armed assault by people claiming power from the Constitution

America is now under armed assault, a tyranny that suppresses free speech and has produced almost-daily mass- and school-shootings, in a gun ownership frenzy fed by people who claim their power comes from the Constitution. Their entire argument — that the Second Amendment gives Americans the right to form private militias and then turn their guns against the government — is a complete and utter scam. America is now occupied by this armed movement that regularly terrorizes racial minorities, school boards, witnesses against Donald Trump, politicians, poll workers, and LGBTQ people. Armed “patriot” and “militia” groups in America claim...

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At the mercy of China: How corporate profiteers that sent manufacturing jobs overseas put America at risk

China is threatening the United States: this could get very ugly, very quickly. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is planning a trip to Taiwan, the first for a Speaker in a quarter-century, as part of a larger trip to the region that will include Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, and Malaysia. China broke away from Taiwan in 1949 and has claimed ever since that the island nation is part of China proper. Taiwan, one of the worlds’ most vibrant democracies, wants to maintain their independence as a separate, sovereign nation. China is not happy about Pelosi’s trip and the increased level of...

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It doth prosper: Of all his failed businesses treason seems to be Trump’s most profitable business ever

Donald Trump wasn’t joking back in 2000 when he first seriously considered running for president and told us, “It’s very possible that I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it.” While president, he raked in an estimated $1.6 billion, much of it (particularly during the pandemic) money from pushing government contracts and the like to his own properties and companies. During that time he was also doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin in the hopes of one day setting up a Trump Tower in Moscow: in his service to Putin he outed an...

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